

Posted in Uncategorized by chamblee54 on September 14, 2008

Yesterday Sarah Palin went back to Alaska. There was a rally of her fans. And another rally of those who are not fans.
The second rally was designed for Women to show that not everybody in the 49th state likes the Governor. Attendees were encouraged to bring home made signs, Men and (other) children were welcome.
When announcing the event, the word got to a wing nut radio whiner. As Mudflats reports :
“One of those media outlets was KBYR radio, home of Eddie Burke, a long-time uber-conservative Anchorage talk show host. Turns out that Eddie Burke not only announced the rally, but called the people who planned to attend the rally “a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots” , and read the home phone numbers of the organizers aloud over the air, urging listeners to call and tell them what they thought.”
The rally happened anyway. According to Mr. Flats, the organizers counted 1400 people, along with many supportive drivebys.

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