
Lightning Bolt Of Despair

Posted in GSU photo archive, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 31, 2015








Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author. Please prove you’re not a robot ~ @avitable I want to do a TED talk on how to survive and succeed in life without ever watching a TED talk. ~ Hey man… Want to know a fast and easy way to get any woman turned on, attracted to you, and on her knees, begging to suck your dick? This Video Shows You How ~ @pourmecoffee I’ll say this about Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush, they don’t have a lot of boring letters in their name and that’s very refreshing. ~ “Stop trying to make intelligent facebook conversation happen. It’s not going to happen.” ~ Its OK. . I have to be in the proper mood to appreciate it. ~ our new registration system makes commenting easier and more enjoyable. Now, just register once and you’re done — you won’t have to enter an email address every time you comment. And, you can give a “thumbs up” to comments that are most interesting to you. If you haven’t yet, register now — it only takes a minute. ~ predicaments, striped, overlap, patrons ~ KimKierkegaardashian @KimKierkegaard Find comfort in the sadness of turtlenecks. ~ Maybe Jews are now forgiven for killing Jesus ~ IORAL I often resent a lawyer ~ carbs, psychiatric, platoon, softie ~ NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by a contractor for NPR, and accuracy and availability may vary. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Please be aware that the authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio. ~ Sometimes I type a comment below your post, savor it for a moment, then delete it. I don’t always need to share. ~ @postcrunk apathy is not a weapon ~ writing in all caps is a choice ~ @storybandit We dare you to write a 99-word poem using the following words: gringo, disturbed, underperform, colonizers. #writingdare ~ @ConnerHabib Being on PrEP doesn’t make you a sexual health expert anymore than being on penicillin makes you an infectious disease specialist.Calm down. ~ Thank you. This article deals with many of the contradictions of poisoning the condemned. It also has recent news about problems involving compounding pharmacies. ~ @Kool_Aid_Wino A lightning bolt of despair suddenly fried his brain into thousands of pieces of dancing bacon. ~ ‏@clayboyatnight an unexpected bonus to me being a failure is my mother questioning how effective her praying is ~ is it the cat’s pajamas? ~ These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section. ~ Do you have a source for the Mark Twain quote? Wikiquotes does not have it. ~ And the bad news is? ~ This does not specify that you read “a book that changed your life” ~ A few people are surprised to see Eric Clapton have a 70th birthday. ~ Free will is something that you do, not something you believe in. ~ @ComplexMag @Wilco has canceled its Indiana show to protest the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. @Wilco I wonder how many tickets they sold this may be a convenient excuse to cancel poorly attended show ~ @TheKevinAllison @Salon article re: politician compares him to Lester Maddox Lester at least could cook chicken ~ if you have a few minutes to spare, go to chamblee54 dot wordpress dot com i put up historic photography, graphic poems, opinions about current affairs ~ that is not the case with movies here for whatever reasons, i have about a 90% rejection rate for movies i submit to ~ there is a lot going on that the average viewer is totally unaware of ~ when i was in high school speech & drama class, this girl told about the time she was a dancer on channell 11 she said she had always had this idea about tv performers being put in a box after their show this girl found out that day that the weather lady goes to the bathroom just like anyone else … i don’t know what that has to do with a ballet dancerthat “falls apart” but it came to mind … maybe you could redo that with the soundtrack “i fall to pieces” by patsy cline ~ btw, the tv weather lady i mentioned is still at work, in sarasota fl she is in her seventies her name is linda carson she was in the classroom with george w bush when 9 11 happened after working at channell 11, she married the football coach at ga tech he got fired at tech, and became the defensive coordinator for the pittsburgh steelers when they were winning super bowls in the seventies ~ people have a characteristic aroma about them there are things that go into it, like diet, grooming products, smoking, but the body also has a way of combing these elements in a way that is unique for everyone. ~ David Crosby favorited a Tweet you were mentioned in 8m: “@chamblee54: @thedavidcrosby @emmaleigh6041 Did David Geffen think Jackson Browne was cute?” Duh ~ Pictures from “The Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library”. ~ selah









This Is Your Life

Posted in Book Reports, Commodity Wisdom, Library of Congress, Poem by chamblee54 on March 31, 2015


An all caps graphic washes up on the digital shores from time to time. The author, and copyright status, are not known. It was not written here. Reading it can be a chore, even though it looks cool. It is also selfish… the only opinion that matters is the individual reading it. It doesn’t have a good beat, but you can dance to it. Pictures are from The Library of Congress. This is a repost.

This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.

If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop:
They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.

Stop over analyzing, life is simple
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.

Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people,
We are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is,
And share your inspiring dream with them.

Travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.

Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them
So go out and start creating.
Life is short. Live your dream, and wear your passion.

“Do you have to be a poet? If you don’t have to be a poet, be a prose writer. You’ll get further faster. Poetry — there’s probably more poetry published today than any time in the history of the world. Nevertheless, there is this — people think they have this blindness when they see a line in the typography of poetry, and it just blocks them. So if you can say the same thing in prose, you’ll probably be better off” Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Singers Who Wear Wigs

Posted in Library of Congress, Music by chamblee54 on March 30, 2015









If you go to google, and type in “singers that wear wigs”, the first name to appear is Mary J. Blige. PG does not follow her closely, but went to youtube and found a video. This is probably not her real hair.

Dolly Parton is known for a lot of things, at least two of which are real. The hair is not. If you ask her “How long does it take to do your hair?”, she says “I don’t know, I’m never there”

If anyone is known for enhancing her natural attributes, it would be Cher. Her fondness for plastic surgery is well known, as is the way her head fits in a hairpiece. In this number, Mrs. Bono talks about some of her favorite people.

Grace Slick is basically retired these days. In her hey day, she never appeared in public in her real hair. PG saw her at the Omni once, and was horrified by her wig. (Grace sells her paintings these days. Her white hair is cut short. The wigs are in a museum.)

RuPaul is not really blonde. That is a part of her wardrobe. In this video, she co stars with Martha Wash, in a remake of “It’s Raining Men”. The working title for this video was Piggly Wiggly.

It is a bit of show business wisdom that you put the horses at the end of a parade. Deaundra Peek fills this important role today. Last year it was a remake of “Supermodel”, which has copyright issues. Today, it is a cooking lesson. The last three characters of the Youtube code are M2M.
This is a repost. Pictures, from The Library of Congress, model “Inter-city beauties, Atlantic City Pageant, 1927.” As a bonus to our reader(s), we will explore the issue, Does Lady Gaga wear a wig? The answers are a bit contradictory, which is somehow fitting. One page says she does not wear a wig, but does wear extensions in some videos. Another answer is that dying her hair is damaging to the hair, if she went to a salon the paparazzi would see her, so yes, she does wear a wig. If you have too much free time, here is a forum discussion on this subject.

















Forgive Forgive

Posted in Poem, Religion, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 29, 2015











Billy And Betty

Posted in Poem, Undogegorized, Writing Contest by chamblee54 on March 28, 2015


















Posted in GSU photo archive, Politics, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 27, 2015









Presumed POTUS candidate Hitlery Hillary Clinton has a twitter account. The address is @HillaryClinton. She has 3.04M followers for her 141 tweets. She is only following 9 accounts, including @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton.

Miss Hillary does not follow @MonicaLewinsky. Miss Lewinsky recently extended her 15 minutes with an invigorating TED talk. (“Tyler’s tragic, senseless death was a turning point for me. It served to recontextualize my experiences…”) The twitter profile for Miss Monica reads “social activist. public speaker. contributor to vanity fair. knitter of things without sleeves. #clickwithcompassion.”

@HillaryClinton has a festive profile. “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD…” PG wonders if this “glass ceiling cracker” business qualifies as cultural appropriation.

The concept of putting FLO (first lady of) in front of state abbreviations can create some fun acronyms. Some of the best are FLOCO, FLOGA, FLOHI, FLOID, FLOKY, FLOLA, FLOMI, FLOMO, FLONE, FLONY, FLOOR, FLOPA, FLOWI, FLOWA, FLOGU, and FLOVI.

The picture for this twitter account is lively. The black and white image shows Miss Hillary looking at a smart phone. It is not known what account she is accessing. She is wearing sunglasses, and a wedding ring. The crop line is at mid torso, so we don’t know if Miss Hillary is wearing a dress, or one of her famous pantsuits. The lighting conditions in this picture make a similar judgment difficult.

Pictures are from “The Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library”.









Gagless Oscillation

Posted in Book Reports, GSU photo archive, Poem, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 26, 2015








One afternoon, PG was in the Kroger parking lot, waiting on his brother GP. This is a no-name Kroger, unlike Disco Kroger or Murder Kroger. It is on Buford Hiway, and has a very bad parking lot. Parking Danger Kroger doesn’t have the poetic allure of Murder Kroger.

On this fine afternoon, PG was almost two thirds of the way through Carsick: John Waters Hitchhikes Across America. The 66.6% number has nothing to do with pages. This book has three parts. One is a fantasy of good rides. The second is a fantasy of bad rides. This is the two thirds in question. The last part is the real rides. Trusting John Waters with reality is questionable.

On page 173, PG stumbled onto a good quote. JSW is riding with “Bristol,” an out of control animal rescue activist. This is probably not Sarah Palin’s daughter. At one point, a dog is seen feasting on roadkill, and a rescue begins. Once the critter is in the vehicle, JSW writes “I can see the stringy shreds of putrified fox meat still caught in the beast’s mouth.”

There had been other dandy quotes. Since PG reads to have fun, and is not writing a term paper, the majority of them will have to lie unmolested in the text. PG tried to dig up a few, like this on page 74. “Gasping for air, Buster returns the favor, twisting his long tongue around hers like a lasso and then deep throating it down to her tonsils with expert sword-swallowing, gagless oscillation.”

On page 190, the bad rides are hitting rock bottom. (Spoiler alert) “Randy’s dick seems to be leaking some kind of fluid, and its definitely not sperm. I scream for my life.” JSW is killed, and goes to the Pearly Gate. Art Linkletter is hanging out with G-d. JSW goes to hell.

There are other unmentionables in this story. The possibility arises that a freshly murdered JSW will wind up in Leakin Park, made famous recently in Serial. On page 163, a driver is said to smell worse than B.O. Plenty. This refers to a character in the Dick Tracy stories. Since comic book drawings are odor free, this man probably was not known for his poor hygiene.

This post needs a bit more text. We will apply the page 123 meme. “Before I can even attempt to pull the gun away, Stew gets a stunned look on his face and then projectile-vomits. I grab the wheel, he grabs it back. The stench of his puke covering his side of the windshield seems to give him no pause.” Pictures today are from “The Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library”.









Residual Glory

Posted in Poem, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 26, 2015







Anita Aretha and Elton

Posted in History, Holidays, Library of Congress, Music by chamblee54 on March 25, 2015









In the early nineties, PG had too much free time. On March 25 of one year, he looked in the fishwrapper, and found a list of famous people with birthdays.

There was an unlikely trio celebrating that day. This would be (in order of appearance) Anita Bryant (1940), Aretha Franklin (1942), and Elton John (1947). All three have been paid for singing. The three have a total of five husbands, with Miss Bryant and Mr. John currently attached (Not to each other). Miss Franklin has good taste in hats.

Several other people have arrived on planet earth on March 25. They include , in 1911, Jack Ruby, the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald (d. 1967) (They don’t say alleged when it was on live TV). 1918 produced Howard Cosell, American sports reporter (d. 1995). Flannery O’Connor (d. 1964) arrived in 1925. 1934 gave us Gloria Steinem. In 1937 Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos pizza, arrived. (The delivery was nine months, and twenty nine minutes, after the order was placed.) To make room for all this talent, Buck Owens died March 25, 2006.

March 25 is after the spring equinox, and has been Easter. A few noteworthy events have gone down on this day. In 1894, Coxey’s Army departed Massillon, Ohio for Washington D.C. In 1911, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire killed 146 garment workers in New York City. In 1939 Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli becomes Pope Pius XII, to the delight of Adolph Hitler. 1955 saw the United States Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg’s poem “Howl” as obscene. In 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono began their first Bed-In for Peace at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel.

HT and applause to wikipedia. This is a repost. Pictures are from The Library of Congress.










Mad Money Flash

Posted in Poem, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 24, 2015









When Smokey Sang

Posted in Poem, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 23, 2015

















Page 123

Posted in Book Reports, Library of Congress, Undogegorized by chamblee54 on March 22, 2015






It was a gray sunday afternoon. The sky drizzles onto the bright green baby weeds. Basketball dudes are dribbling before they shoot. If there was only a subject for a blog post, then all would be lovely.

One answer is to look in the archive. There was a post in 2008 about page 123. “Look up page 123 in the book that is nearest to you at this very minute. Look for the fifth sentence. Then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123.”

The book nearest to the work station is an outlet store edition of “Leaves of Grass,” by Walt Whitman. There are two problems here. The book only has 109 pages. It is also full of poems, which do not contain sentences. LOG is digitally available, easy to copy/paste, but does not qualify.

The book under LOG, and technically closer to the work station, is Quiet Days in Clichy, by Henry Miller. The last word, KLEE she, is a neighborhood in Paris. The book was purchased at a yard sale in 1978, read with little enjoyment, pulled off the shelf in 2014, and rediscovered.

Mr. Miller apparently thought about this story in French, and then transcribed it in English. It is a great story. Two men live in Paris, scrounging meals where they can, and screwing a lot of ladies. One has a name similar to Anais Nin, who was an extramarital pal of Mr. Miller in those days.

The copy of QDIC here is an Evergreen Black Cat paperback, which sold for $.75. It is the classic back pocket paperback, measuring 4″x7″x 3/8″. The bookmark is one page 79. The authorities came to visit the two men. There is a problem about screwing an underage girl. The authorities are impressed by the fact that the men write books, although not in French. The authorities leave. The men talk about the beauty of the under aged girl’s mother.

The one star reviews for QDIC are festive. Ivan Searcy I am a street photographer and have been living, 4 to 6 months a year in Paris, for the past 35 years. I was hoping that this book would reflect on the café and street life in Clichy during the 1930s, but all it did was to show that Miller is a psychopath that likes to abuse women. Even when he writes about sex, he is an amateur writer. I think that his claim to fame was that his books where ban in the US.

Stewart D. Isbell “photostew” I purchased this book for the new Kindle for iPhone app and the book is not formatted properly. There are an endless amount of pages that only have one sentence, sometimes only one word! To read this book you have to flip through a huge amount of pages. Great book, and yes, it was only .80 cents but still… pretty much useless. Captain Z You’ve reviewed the electronic formatting, but not the book. Your 1-star review is pretty much worthless. Jamie E. Skelly get over yourself Bibliophile People, PLEASE stop rating books based on their Kindle-friendliness! It’s misleading — reviews of works of art ought to address the aesthetic merit of the work, not tech issues associated with the (souless) Kindle.

Maybe we should get onto what comes after the fifth sentence. “Tahe your time and get what you can out of the old buzzard. I have nothing to do,” I added. “I’ll sit here and wait. You’re going to have dinner with me, remember that.” Pictures are from The Library of Congress. The event was “Bath Suit Fashion Parade, Seal Beach CA July 14, 1918”




