
The Twisted Sisters

Posted in Uncategorized by chamblee54 on August 9, 2010

PG did not have a ticket when he showed up at the Buckhead hotel. There was going to be a rally for Karen Handel, with Rockstar Sarah Palin as the headline speaker. The first lady PG spoke to said to talk to the lady over there with a green sweater. She said to go talk to the will call desk, who referred PG back to the lady with the green sweater. Experience says that when tickets are free, more than a few people will not show up. After waiting discreetly for a half hour, PG asked the partner of the green sweater lady if anything had opened up, and was given a ticket.

The ballroom was filling up at 11:30, with a well dressed crowd. It was what you would expect of a Buckhead Republican event. PG wound up on the left side of the stage, next to a velvet rope. On the other side of the rope was a VIP section, with several recognizable figures politicking away. State house representative Jill Chambers even recognized PG ( a constituent) after the rally.

Classic rock was playing on the loudspeakers, with orange haired ladies, of a certain age, dancing.  The theme to “Nine to Five” played, without any Jane Fonda jokes. The theme song for the Handel campaign is “We’re not going to take it” by Twisted Sister. Mrs. Palin made a comment about this during her speech. Yes, Sarah Palin listens to Twisted Sister.

The rally began at ten after noon, which is almost punctual. Tom Price was the emcee, and asked people to not hold signs up too much. The ballroom was rented by the hour, and the event moved quickly. First an invocation ( “While we respect all faiths, this is dedicated to our lord and savior Jesus Christ”), the pledge of allegiance, and a peppy speech about Ms. Handel.

After a few minutes, Karen Handel (formerly Karen C. Walker) and Sarah Palin took the stage. Mrs. Handel spoke for a few minutes about….something. Whatever her skills as a manager and worker, she is not a dynamic speaker. To her credit, she kept the speech short, and did not mention social issues. On the blame side, she did not have a plan for securing a dependable source of water for Atlanta.

However charisma challenged Mrs. Handel is, Sarah Palin makes up for it. The woman is a star, wearing a pale green suit with padded shoulders. Her Georgia writers coached her well…she referred to the crowd as y’all, and said she lived outside the perimeter.

Even though the Georgia Governor has little to do with Supreme Court rulings, some right to life groups have taken to denouncing Mrs. Handel. One of them made a reference to Trig Palin, which the Mama Grizzly denounced. The crowd was assured that Mrs. Handel does not like abortion.

After the speeches, Mrs. Palin stayed to sign autographs, accompanied by first dude Todd. The speakers played “we’re not going to take it” over and over. Finally, PG decided he had enough fun, walked back to the mall and found his car.

12 Responses

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  1. Michael said, on August 9, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    They don’t respect any faith except their version of Christianity. Oh, and Sarah who?

  2. Eleanor said, on August 10, 2010 at 5:57 am

    The reason these two get along so well is because they are both quitters – neither one has finished out a term in any office they have been elected to.

  3. Why She Lost « Chamblee54 said, on August 11, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    […] changer, and indeed Mrs. Handel won the first round primary. The day before the runoff, there was a rally in Buckhead with an appearance by Mrs. Palin. PG attended, and did not have a favorable opinion of Mrs. Handel […]

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  5. Jill And Elena « Chamblee54 said, on September 26, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    […] of the mailers from Miss Parent mention the personal difficulties of Mrs. Chambers. PG has met Mrs. Chambers on a couple of occaisons. Last week, PG saw her at the Chamblee post office. She talked about her […]

  6. Bachmann Product « Chamblee54 said, on June 30, 2011 at 5:25 pm

    […] “We’re not going to take it” by Twisted Sister. The chamblee54 report was titled “The twisted sisters”. There was no word from the band about a Georgia political campaign. They did, however, want to know […]

  7. Karen Handel Is An Idiot « Chamblee54 said, on February 5, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    […] rights must be destroyed.”) When Sarah Palin came to Buckhead to support Mrs. Handel, PG noted “Even though the Georgia Governor has little to do with Supreme Court rulings, some right […]

  8. […] and Shout”. If the walls of the oval office could sing, that would be their song. In 2010, Karen Handel paid $93,000 to facilitate an appearance by Sarah Palin. The theme music for that event was […]

  9. […] make up the difference. The pictures are from a variety of sources. Many are from an appearance by Sarah Palin in Atlanta. The speech was a rally for Karen Handel, who was running for Governor. Mrs. Handel […]

  10. Cheezy Poofs | Chamblee54 said, on May 18, 2013 at 1:54 pm

    […] Bless her heart, Karen Handel has the charisma of a doorknob. When she appeared on the same show as Sarah Palin, this became obvious. Even with the expensive endorsement of Mama Grizzly, Mrs. Handel lost to a […]

  11. Lying His Ossoff | Chamblee54 said, on May 26, 2017 at 6:35 am

    […] spend $15,000 on new chairs for state employees. Channell 11 has a video about these claims. When Mrs. Handel was Secretary of State, she received a automobile allowance. The other option was to use a state […]

  12. Another #GA06 Debate | Chamblee54 said, on June 8, 2017 at 8:06 pm

    […] and get an honest job. Maybe she can get a good reference from the Susan B. Komen foundation, or Sarah Palin. KCH is introduced as “Secretary Handel.” This is probably a reference to her time as […]

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